Monday, August 21, 2017

When I was a boy, I looked at an eclipse with my bare eyes in The South Bronx of burnt out buildings.

A strange thing happened afterward.

A bright light appeared in front of my bedroom window, as did a hurricane inside my room that scattered my comic books around, among other objects.

I was being pulled into the light.

It was sheer force of will that prevented the little boy I was from disappearing into another dimension.

I wasn’t ready for a new reality.

This is the persistence of my memory. 

I recall being gifted in childhood with photographic memory and creativity.

I remember doctors that wanted to administer a new drug designed to dissolve a gland in the head of the little boy I was.

 I stared into the eyes of a doctor. He didn’t give me the drug.

The place where it happened was destroyed.

Today, it’s a parking lot of sorts for The New York City Police Department.

In The New Millennium, a young American man tried to get inside the building my mother has resided in for decades.

 He identified himself as Mark Wilson, a reporter for The New York Post.

He wanted to interview eyewitnesses to several bright lights across the building that hovered for a few seconds before taking off at unbelievable speed.

I studied pictures on his cell phone. 

Mister Wilson, I am sure you are reading this, as I am sure of scientific evidence to prove aliens have been on this gem of a planet for thousands of years.

One of the aliens is called poverty.

Make with the mild mannered reporter thing and help change the world for the best.

I am transmitting this final message from a public library in The South Bronx.

Afterward, I will go out into the street and look into the eclipse.

I wasn’t ready to leave the world when I was a kid.

I am ready


My Re@l Life @s @ Comic Book

New York Radiology made MRI of my brain. Conceptual art and text by

D@niel @ngel @ponte

Copyrighted 2017

Saturday, August 16, 2014

In spite of 9/11, I have school homework to finish.


It’s a tour book to draw tourists to South Bronx.


Hope to sell story to pay rent.



Yeah, ignore me, New York City and I’ll go away.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In the 1960s, the US Government and The United Nations banned and burnt copies of a horror movie called Cinemortophobia. They thought they destroyed all of them.


I found one buried deep in the basement of an old house located in The Garden State where aliens airwaves caused a panic attack nation wide in the 1930s.


It had WARNING on it and the movie title was in the form of a bloody human spine.


I think it’s safe to see this movie considering how messed up The 21 Century is.


I mean, what else can go wrong, right? So pop corn and roll film!


AIEEEEE! Eyes burn! I’m blind! Where are my glasses!


Found them.


Sound & Vision sung by David Bowie